Mark Bartolucci

Mark Bartolucci

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Born in Sudbury, Ontario - Bartolucci attended Lo-Ellen Park high school where he was the original bass player and one of the founders of the blues/rock band The Regulators (1988-1994) along with Dan Radu and Brent Gattoni. The band gained notoriety for inciting the famous Haweater riot of 1993. Upon, the band's eventual breakup, Bartolucci ha... Show more »
Born in Sudbury, Ontario - Bartolucci attended Lo-Ellen Park high school where he was the original bass player and one of the founders of the blues/rock band The Regulators (1988-1994) along with Dan Radu and Brent Gattoni. The band gained notoriety for inciting the famous Haweater riot of 1993. Upon, the band's eventual breakup, Bartolucci had a successful career in professional wrestling in the WWE until a transition to acting. Was originally cast for the lead role in Spiderman, but was subsequently dropped by Producers in favor of a 'smaller' actor. Show less «

Mark Bartolucci's FILMOGRAPHY

Dark Side of the Ring - Season 5


Dark Side of the Ring - Season 4


Tales from the Territories - Season 1


Dark Side of the Ring - Season 3


Dark Side of the Ring - Season 2


Dark Side of the Ring - Season 1


Christmas at Cartwright's

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