Marina Zudina

Marina Zudina

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3 September 1965, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]
Birth Name: 
Marina Vyacheslavovna Zudina
Marina was born in Moscow and studied acting at the State Institute of Art and Theatre in Moscow. She graduated in 1986. She is now a well-known theatre actress in Russia, and she has played in 24 Russian movies for television and cinema. These included: "Valentin and Valentina", "Joys of the Youth", "Doubrovsky" "... Show more »
Marina was born in Moscow and studied acting at the State Institute of Art and Theatre in Moscow. She graduated in 1986. She is now a well-known theatre actress in Russia, and she has played in 24 Russian movies for television and cinema. These included: "Valentin and Valentina", "Joys of the Youth", "Doubrovsky" "Along the Road with the Orchestra", "Limited Life", "Under the Northern Light" and "The Golden Fog." Show less «

Marina Zudina's FILMOGRAPHY

Gold Diggers - Season 4


Gold Diggers - Season 3


Gold Diggers - Season 2


Gold Diggers - Season 1


Mute Witness

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Marina Zudina'S roles

Billy Hughes
Billy Hughes