Maria Rohm

Maria Rohm

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13 August 1945, Vienna, Austria
Birth Name: 
Helga Grohmann
Maria Rohm is one of the rare gems in the movie business - this is truly her life's work. She started acting on-stage at the famous Vienna Burgtheatre as a child actor from ages 4 through 13. Having performed in such classics as William Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", Leo Tolstoy's autobiography "Und das ... Show more »
Maria Rohm is one of the rare gems in the movie business - this is truly her life's work. She started acting on-stage at the famous Vienna Burgtheatre as a child actor from ages 4 through 13. Having performed in such classics as William Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", Leo Tolstoy's autobiography "Und das Licht scheint in der Finsternis", Ferdinand Raimund's "Der Bauer als Millionär" etc. She worked with many of the great German stage actors such as Attila Hörbiger, Paula Wessely, Curd Jürgens, Annemarie Düringer, Heinrich Schweiger, Judith Holzmeister to name a few.The young Ms. Rohm continued her theatrical work until she auditioned for Harry Alan Towers at age 18, it was then that her movie career took off. Towers, smitten with the blonde beauty cast her as a lead in a number of his feature films - Maria's extraordinary acting abilities took over from there. Both stunning and immensely talented she soon became highly sought after as a leading lady all across Europe. Her movie roles took her to more than a dozen countries where she shared the screen with such greats as Frankie Avalon, Klaus Kinski, Christopher Lee, Vincent Price and Jack Palance .Extensive traveling eventually took it's toll, and having 30 on-camera movie credits to her name combined with 4 decades experience as an actress, Rohm made the decision to join Towers, her now husband as a producer. Her considerable experience in the industry revealed an astute business woman, and Mr. & Mrs. Towers became power a couple in the independent feature market. The duo worked happily together until Harry Tower's death July 31st, 2009.Ms. Rohm although largely retired, continues to consult periodically in the industry and share her expertise of the business that she fondly remembers as bringing her together with the love of her life. Show less «


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