Luis Vitalino Grandón

Luis Vitalino Grandón

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March 23, 1961 in Concepción, Bío Bío, Chile
Birth Name: 
Luis Vitalino Grandón Toledo
184 cm
Born Luis Vitalino Grandón Toledo in Concepción, Chile. In 1984, he moved to Stockholm, Sweden and studied Video Production in the ABF Institute in Stockholm, then he established Toledo Productions, making family documentaries to the Chilean colony and working as cameraman in MariaNorr Clinic south of Stockholm. Luis is not a professional actor, ... Show more »
Born Luis Vitalino Grandón Toledo in Concepción, Chile. In 1984, he moved to Stockholm, Sweden and studied Video Production in the ABF Institute in Stockholm, then he established Toledo Productions, making family documentaries to the Chilean colony and working as cameraman in MariaNorr Clinic south of Stockholm. Luis is not a professional actor, has started at 50 worked in some Chilean and international productions. "For me two minutes on the screen, make me feel like Al Pacino, I love movies".As a teen, parents Margarita and Luis take him to the movies to see the classics. He has a younger brother Ricardo and sisters Alejandra and Elizabeth. Married with journalist Alejandra Gutierrez, have a daughter Catalina Grandón Gutierrez. Luis is known for being a truly fan of British author Ian Fleming and his character James Bond and his love for the Chilean cinematography. Show less «

Luis Vitalino Grandón's FILMOGRAPHY



Gun Shy (Salty)




The 33


Toro Loco: Sangriento

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