Lino Guanciale

Lino Guanciale

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21 May 1979, Avezzano, Abruzzo, Italy
Lino Guanciale (Avezzano, Italy, 1979) graduated in 2003 from the Silvio D'Amico National Academy of Dramatic Arts, where he won the Gassman Prize as Best Actor of the previous ten years. Immediately upon graduation, he began working in the theatre, with Gigi Proietti (Romeo e Giulietta, the inaugural show of Rome's Globe Theatre). More w... Show more »
Lino Guanciale (Avezzano, Italy, 1979) graduated in 2003 from the Silvio D'Amico National Academy of Dramatic Arts, where he won the Gassman Prize as Best Actor of the previous ten years. Immediately upon graduation, he began working in the theatre, with Gigi Proietti (Romeo e Giulietta, the inaugural show of Rome's Globe Theatre). More work quickly followed, with Claudio Longhi (Il Matrimonio di Figaro, La solitudine dei campi di cotone, Sallinger, Prendi un piccolo fatto vero), Franco Branciaroli (among his many shows: La peste, Cos'รจ l'amore, Lo zio), and other leading names of the Italian stage, including Luca Ronconi (Atti di guerra), Walter Le Moli (Gli incostanti, Antigone), Massimo Popolizio and Michele Placido. The latter, upon directing him in the play Fontamara, cast him as Nunzio in his award-winning film "Vallanzasca: Angels of Evil". Since 2005, Lino has also taught theatre classes and workshops in middle schools, high schools and universities. He made his film debut in 2008, playing none other than Mozart in "I, Don Giovanni" by Carlos Saura, followed by Renato De Maria's "The Front Line"("La Prima Linea"). In 2011, besides "Vallanzasca", he was also featured in Andrea Molaioli's "The Jewel" ("Il Gioiellino", as Filippo Magnaghi, the honest executive devastated by shame over his company's fraudulent activities); Marina Spada's "My Tomorrow"("Il mio domani"); and the Rai1 television show "Il segreto dell'acqua", directed by Renato De Maria. On stage, he is currently (2012) co-starring in Bertolt Brecht's "La resistibile ascesa di Arturo Ui"(directed by Claudio Longhi), winner of Best Show of 2011 by the Italian National Theatre Critics Association. He will soon be seen on screen as co-star of Pappi Corsicato's "Il volto di un'altra"; in Woody Allen's "To Rome with Love", alongside Jesse Eisenberg and Ellen Page; "L'Estate sta finendo" by Stefano Tummolini; and Susanna Nicchiarelli's second feature film, "La scoperta dell'alba", with Margherita Buy. He is also returning to Tv in "Una grande famiglia", the new series directed by Riccardo Milani. Show less «

Lino Guanciale's FILMOGRAPHY

Inspector Ricciardi (Il Commissario Ricciardi) - Season 2 [Sub: Eng]


The Sea Beyond - Season 3


The Red Door - Season 3


Il primo giorno della mia vita


Inspector Ricciardi (Il Commissario Ricciardi) - Season 1 [Sub: Eng]


The Sea Beyond - Season 2


The Sea Beyond - Season 1


The Red Door - Season 2


Arrivano i prof


The Red Door - Season 1


The Space Between


Wondrous Boccaccio


To Rome with Love

Example Example Example

Lino Guanciale'S roles
