Lino DiSalvo
Lino DiSalvo joined Walt Disney Animation Studios as an Animator in 1997 after graduating from Vancouver Film School in British Columbia. A 16 year veteran of Walt Disney Animation Studios, DiSalvo served as Head of Animation on the Academy Award®-winning and highest-grossing animated feature of all time Frozen. DiSalvo began his career at the Wal...
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Lino DiSalvo joined Walt Disney Animation Studios as an Animator in 1997 after graduating from Vancouver Film School in British Columbia. A 16 year veteran of Walt Disney Animation Studios, DiSalvo served as Head of Animation on the Academy Award®-winning and highest-grossing animated feature of all time Frozen. DiSalvo began his career at the Walt Disney Animation Studios as a Character Animator.Prior to Frozen, he served as Supervising Animator on Tangled and Bolt. His other film credits include animating on Meet the Robinsons and Chicken Little.DiSalvo, an avid Muppets aficionado, was drawn to the animation industry after seeing The Lion King on the big screen in 1994. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Long Island, NY. DiSalvo currently lives in Los Angeles CA with his wife and son. Show less «