Lazar Djukic

Lazar Djukic

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October 31, 1988 in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia
185 cm
Lazar DjukicBorn in Belgrade (Serbia) on October 31st 1988.He graduated in 2012 . at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, the class of professor Gordana Maric, and actually is at a master's degree at the same universityStart acting as amateur at eleven years in a school for young actors of Nenad Nenadovic, in Bosko Buha Theatre.In 2005. B... Show more »
Lazar DjukicBorn in Belgrade (Serbia) on October 31st 1988.He graduated in 2012 . at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, the class of professor Gordana Maric, and actually is at a master's degree at the same universityStart acting as amateur at eleven years in a school for young actors of Nenad Nenadovic, in Bosko Buha Theatre.In 2005. Became a member of the Academic Theatre Dadov.In addition to these two theaters, acted in plays and in the Belgrade Drama Theatre, National Theatre, Yugoslav Drama Theatre, as well as in many performances within the Faculty of Dramatic Arts.He acted in the feature-films and short films, TV dramas, series and commercials, and tried himself as a speaker at various events.He participated in many radio dramas, four of which were given the award "Neda Depolo," and in direct radio program "KEP: conceptual and experimental program," which was in the framework of FIST radio.He also has participated in projects involving modern technology, such as 3d Mapping Projection, and one of the first in Serbia who worked Motion Capture Animation (mocap). Other capabilities : . sings . composes . plays the piano . plays guitar . plays the drums . English speaking Show less «

Lazar Djukic's FILMOGRAPHY

Besa - Season 2


Besa - Season 1

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