Laura Montijano

Laura Montijano

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Actress graduated from the Center for Artistic Education, she has worked in film, television and theater.She participated in series like "Logout" "Login" "Correr y Vivir", in cinema has collaboration in the film "Illusions" as well as the staged "The Motifs of the Wolf" "Multiple Option" &... Show more »
Actress graduated from the Center for Artistic Education, she has worked in film, television and theater.She participated in series like "Logout" "Login" "Correr y Vivir", in cinema has collaboration in the film "Illusions" as well as the staged "The Motifs of the Wolf" "Multiple Option" "The Postman" "I Love Fausto Tercero "" Chronicles of a Failure ". Starring Kuno Becker's film "Anima". Show less «

Laura Montijano's FILMOGRAPHY

Diablo Guardian - Season 2 [Audio: Spanish]


Diablo Guardian - Season 1


The Tempest - Season 1

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