Laura Colquhoun

Laura Colquhoun

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Laura was born in Scotland. At 18 she moved to Ireland, where her acting career began. A year later in Australia, a great acting teacher told Laura's class that they should go to Los Angeles, because "all the films are made there".When Laura arrived in L.A, plan A was to book a lead role in an indie feature within 6 months. Plan B wa... Show more »
Laura was born in Scotland. At 18 she moved to Ireland, where her acting career began. A year later in Australia, a great acting teacher told Laura's class that they should go to Los Angeles, because "all the films are made there".When Laura arrived in L.A, plan A was to book a lead role in an indie feature within 6 months. Plan B was to study Astrophysics at Trinity College, Ireland.Plan A worked out. Laura booked the role and was nominated for an award Breakout Female Star at the Action On Film Festival. Now Los Angelesis Laura's home and she has acted in many films, TV and web shows, plays and commercials. Show less «

Laura Colquhoun's FILMOGRAPHY

Feud - Season 2


The 420 Movie: Mary & Jane


Feud - Season 1


The Remake


Some Kind Of Beautiful


Inherent Vice


How to Make Love Like an Englishman


Her (2013)

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Laura Colquhoun'S roles

Cocktail Waitress
Cocktail Waitress