Lars Brownworth

Lars Brownworth

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Lars Brownworth grew up on Long Island in Stony Brook, New York. While teaching history at The Stony Brook School, he created the genre-defining "12 Byzantine Rulers" (2005) podcast which was featured by the New York Times. (2007) He wrote the book "Lost to the West: The Forgotten Byzantine Empire that Rescued Western Civilization&qu... Show more »
Lars Brownworth grew up on Long Island in Stony Brook, New York. While teaching history at The Stony Brook School, he created the genre-defining "12 Byzantine Rulers" (2005) podcast which was featured by the New York Times. (2007) He wrote the book "Lost to the West: The Forgotten Byzantine Empire that Rescued Western Civilization" (2010) with Crown Publishing and has written for The Wall Street Journal, been interviewed on NPR's "Here and Now" and is one of several on-screen historians in "Rise of Empires: Ottoman" (2020) on Netflix. Show less «

Lars Brownworth's FILMOGRAPHY

Rise of Empires: Ottoman - Season 2


Rise of Empires: Ottoman - Season 1

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