Landon Hansen

Landon Hansen

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14 December 1991, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
177 cm
Landon Wilder Hansen has been acting since he was 10 years of age. He's had the lead in a stage musical entitled "Surfin' Santa" and has also done a major television commerical for Nintendo which was broadcast across both North and South America. Landon is a gifted song writer, lead singer and bass guitarist in a band called cal... Show more »
Landon Wilder Hansen has been acting since he was 10 years of age. He's had the lead in a stage musical entitled "Surfin' Santa" and has also done a major television commerical for Nintendo which was broadcast across both North and South America. Landon is a gifted song writer, lead singer and bass guitarist in a band called called Sky Temple. Landon and his band are currently recording a demo and hope to have released an album within the next 2 years. Show less «

Landon Hansen's FILMOGRAPHY

Dead Like Me - Season 2


Dead Like Me - Season 1

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