Lance Valentine Butler

Lance Valentine Butler

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Lance Valentine Butler was born and lives in Los Angeles, attends middle school, and has been acting professionally since the age of seven. He has trained with Marie Haber and attended workshops at Second City Hollywood and The Actor's Gang. Lance has a natural comedic talent and a focus, depth, and sophistication that is rare for someone his ... Show more »
Lance Valentine Butler was born and lives in Los Angeles, attends middle school, and has been acting professionally since the age of seven. He has trained with Marie Haber and attended workshops at Second City Hollywood and The Actor's Gang. Lance has a natural comedic talent and a focus, depth, and sophistication that is rare for someone his age. He has performed in several commercials, a couple of short films, and has acted with Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling in the film "The Nice Guys", each time demonstrating a professionalism beyond his years. Since the age of five, Lance has had a passion for writing, filming, directing, acting in and editing his own films. He is a whiz-kid with all kinds of technology. Lance's musical tastes run from Sinatra standards to classic rock and beyond with a particular fondness for Pink Floyd and he has been teaching himself to play the guitar for over a year. He enjoys riding his bike and playing video games but is happiest when he is on set. Show less «

Lance Valentine Butler's FILMOGRAPHY

Alexa and Katie - Season 4


American Housewife - Season 5


Alexa and Katie - Season 3


American Housewife - Season 4


Alexa and Katie - Season 2


Alexa and Katie - Season 1


American Housewife - Season 3


American Housewife - Season 2


The Nice Guys


American Housewife - Season 1

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Lance Valentine Butler'S roles

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