Keonia Williams

Keonia Williams

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Keonia Angelina Williams, as known as Ke-Ke, was born on January 31, 2002 in Bethesda, Maryland. She is the middle child of three and born to military veterans. She has an older brother and a younger sister. Although her love for acting, singing, and dancing began at a young age, she didn't start until she was 10 years old. She started her car... Show more »
Keonia Angelina Williams, as known as Ke-Ke, was born on January 31, 2002 in Bethesda, Maryland. She is the middle child of three and born to military veterans. She has an older brother and a younger sister. Although her love for acting, singing, and dancing began at a young age, she didn't start until she was 10 years old. She started her career in Colorado Springs, CO. She started by being an extra in a student film and then landed a role as "Sammy" in a student film "Days Like This". She also played a zombie "Tsunambee: The Wrath Cometh" and a student/basketball fan in "Amateur" Her parents allowed her to attend to a K-12 online program that is located in Colorado Springs, Springs Studio of Academic Excellence (formerly Falcon Virtual Academy). With that being done, she was able to be an extra in the movie "The Accountant". When she isn't hanging with her friends, she enjoys reading, writing poetry, babysitting, volunteering with children with Special Needs, volunteering at her younger sister school, and with animal shelters. Show less «

Keonia Williams's FILMOGRAPHY

Daybreak - Season 1




The Accountant


Dear Eleanor

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