Keith Mills

Keith Mills

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Keith Mills was born in Alexandria, Virginia in 1988. He graduated from Hampton University with his Bachelors of Science in Economics, but always had a passion for acting. His love for acting can be credited to his mother's influence. Sadly, Keith's mother passed away when he was only ten years old; instead of dwelling on her passing, he ... Show more »
Keith Mills was born in Alexandria, Virginia in 1988. He graduated from Hampton University with his Bachelors of Science in Economics, but always had a passion for acting. His love for acting can be credited to his mother's influence. Sadly, Keith's mother passed away when he was only ten years old; instead of dwelling on her passing, he used that time to pursue acting and make his mother proud. He knew his charismatic, edgy, but warm demeanor would help him get into the acting world. He made his actor debut on the award winning film "One Penny" and his television debut on "Deadly Demands." After his respective debuts, he has starred on featured films, short films and web series. To take his passion further, he decided to move from Northern Virginia permanently to Los Angeles, California for more opportunities to further his acting career. Show less «


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