Kathy Lockwood

Kathy Lockwood

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Kathy Lockwood was born in Washington, D.C and currently resides in Florida. She has worked in broadcasting and film in a number of areas both in front of and behind the camera since college. Her main love is writing, and she holds an MFA in Creative Writing. She also has a Master's in Mass Communication and her thesis was on participatory fan... Show more »
Kathy Lockwood was born in Washington, D.C and currently resides in Florida. She has worked in broadcasting and film in a number of areas both in front of and behind the camera since college. Her main love is writing, and she holds an MFA in Creative Writing. She also has a Master's in Mass Communication and her thesis was on participatory fandom, after becoming fascinated by the psychology of fans and celebrities. She has appeared in a number of feature films, commercials, industrials and TV programs over the years. She now works primarily as a college administrator and professor in communication and media studies. Show less «

Kathy Lockwood's FILMOGRAPHY

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Season 4


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Season 3


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Season 2


Barely Famous - Season 2


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Season 1


Barely Famous - Season 1


Edward Scissorhands

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