Kathleen Hagen

Kathleen Hagen

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Kathleen Hagen speaks American English & Italian and resides in Italy. She has worked for many years as a Voice actress & English Coach for Actors & Recording Artists .She also writes songs as a professional lyricist. She's made her full on acting debut in Diavoli/Devils Luxvide/Sky 2021-22 followed by her role as Lina Forzosi in T... Show more »
Kathleen Hagen speaks American English & Italian and resides in Italy. She has worked for many years as a Voice actress & English Coach for Actors & Recording Artists .She also writes songs as a professional lyricist. She's made her full on acting debut in Diavoli/Devils Luxvide/Sky 2021-22 followed by her role as Lina Forzosi in The Man Who Drew God 2021-22. Show less «

Kathleen Hagen's FILMOGRAPHY

Devils - Season 2


Devils - Season 1


The Broken Key

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