Juliano Cazarré

Juliano Cazarré

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1980, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Birth Name: 
Juliano Augusto Cunha Cazarré
Juliano is an actor/writer/director from Brazil. He graduated in Dramatic Arts at the University of Brasilia, Brazil. Juliano took part as an actor in 20 feature films and worked with eminent Brazilian directors such as Fernando Meirelles, Heitor Dhalia, Matheus Nachtergaele, Claudio Assis, Gabriel Mascaro and many others no less important. Juliano... Show more »
Juliano is an actor/writer/director from Brazil. He graduated in Dramatic Arts at the University of Brasilia, Brazil. Juliano took part as an actor in 20 feature films and worked with eminent Brazilian directors such as Fernando Meirelles, Heitor Dhalia, Matheus Nachtergaele, Claudio Assis, Gabriel Mascaro and many others no less important. Juliano is the leading role in Neon Bull, a Brazilian film from 2015 that has collected many awards and nominations in important international film festivals, like Venice, New York, Toronto, Hamburg, Roterdam and Cartagena. Neon Bull was also selected by the New York Times critic Stephen Holden as one of 2016's 10 Best Movies.In his international career, Juliano was directed by Fernando Meirelles on the film 360, acting side by side with Rachel Weisz, Jude Law and Anthony Hopkins. On Brazilian Television, he was in four big series on Globo Chanel, receiving an award as Best Supporting Actor in 2012 for the character Adauto, in Brazil Avenue. Juliano published 'Pelas Janelas' (Through Windows), his first poetry book, published by Dublinense Editor in 2012. Working with his brother and sister, Érico and Marieta, he wrote and directed the animated short film A Roza. This film was selected by Anima Mundi and received Best Short Animated Film Screenplay, in Encontro Nacional Cinema dos Sertões in 2013. Show less «

Juliano Cazarré's FILMOGRAPHY

Get the Goat (Cabras da Peste) [Audio: English]


Neon Bull




Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite)

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Juliano Cazarré'S roles
