Jordan Budde

Jordan Budde

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Jordan Budde was born in Tyler, Texas and graduated from Southern Methodist University. His first play, Fraternity, was produced at the Colonnades Theatre in New York City starring Robert Downey, Jr.His second play, Heaven's Hard, was produced on the main stage at the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas featuring Calista Flockhart.Love Lies, his t... Show more »
Jordan Budde was born in Tyler, Texas and graduated from Southern Methodist University. His first play, Fraternity, was produced at the Colonnades Theatre in New York City starring Robert Downey, Jr.His second play, Heaven's Hard, was produced on the main stage at the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas featuring Calista Flockhart.Love Lies, his third play, premiered at the Hudson Theater in Los Angeles. Mr. Budde also directed this production which won the Pride Theater Award for Outstanding Drama.Mr. Budde has been on the staff of three television series: GCB, Beverley Hills 90210 and Fame L.A. And sold pilots to ABC, NBC, FOX, Lifetime and HBO.Mr. Budde created the series The Client List starring Jennifer Love Hewitt for Lifetime. Show less «

Jordan Budde's FILMOGRAPHY

The Client List - Season 1

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