Johnny Kearns

Johnny Kearns

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2 March 1979, Morehead City, North Carolina, USA
Birth Name: 
John Cleveland Kearns Jr.
178 cm
Johnny Kearns was born, John Cleveland Kearns, Jr. and raised in the small town of Morehead City, North Carolina. As a child he spent most of his time playing with cameras and enjoyed making home movies with his family and friends. However, as Johnny got older, he developed a deep love for the entertainment industry.After graduating from high schoo... Show more »
Johnny Kearns was born, John Cleveland Kearns, Jr. and raised in the small town of Morehead City, North Carolina. As a child he spent most of his time playing with cameras and enjoyed making home movies with his family and friends. However, as Johnny got older, he developed a deep love for the entertainment industry.After graduating from high school, Kearns attended Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia where he studied religion and cinema. After four years of higher education, he moved to Wilmington, North Carolina where he partnered with a group of like minded independent filmmakers and formed a production company, doing over 100 productions; ranging from features, to commercials, and two national cable TV shows from 2003 to 2008.In 2009, Kearns moved to Los Angeles, California where he continues to work both behind the camera as a producer, director, cinematographer or in front of the camera on a multitude of various projects. Show less «

Johnny Kearns's FILMOGRAPHY



All American Zombie Drugs


The Locket


Going to California - Season 1

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