Jenny Turkyilmaz

Jenny Turkyilmaz

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168 cm
Jenny Turkyilmaz began acting at age 8. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and French as well as a Bachelor of Science in nursing. She worked for several years as a women's health and pediatric nurse. She speaks German, French, and Spanish. Jenny enjoys acting in independent films and local television productions. She is also a screenwriter... Show more »
Jenny Turkyilmaz began acting at age 8. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and French as well as a Bachelor of Science in nursing. She worked for several years as a women's health and pediatric nurse. She speaks German, French, and Spanish. Jenny enjoys acting in independent films and local television productions. She is also a screenwriter and enjoys producing short films with her film-maker husband. Show less «

Jenny Turkyilmaz's FILMOGRAPHY

Chase - Season 1


Lone Star - Season 1

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