Izzy Church

Izzy Church

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Isabella "Izzy" Church is an American actress, screenwriter, author, filmmaker and artist born in Sacramento California, living in New York.Izzy studied acting with Maggie Flanigan, Shakespeare from NYU Tisch School of the Arts with Shane-Ann Younts, Improv with Upright Citizen Brigade and IN Studios, film production at School of Visual A... Show more »
Isabella "Izzy" Church is an American actress, screenwriter, author, filmmaker and artist born in Sacramento California, living in New York.Izzy studied acting with Maggie Flanigan, Shakespeare from NYU Tisch School of the Arts with Shane-Ann Younts, Improv with Upright Citizen Brigade and IN Studios, film production at School of Visual Arts, and graduated Suma Cum Laude from MaryMount Manhattan College with a degree in Communication Arts, specializing in writing for film and television.Furthermore, Izzy had a path breaking stint with Dream Works in the books-to-film department. Her time spent at Dream Works inspired her to work towards adapting her debut novel, Angry Movie Guy for the screen. Izzy is collaborating with several film producers to raise capital for a variety of her projects. Her time is often split between auditioning for Equity & SAG productions and writing plus writing and filming original content.Izzy is the Author of the book to film "Angry Movie Guy" the script to Screen "Letter to Ganesh" and the Children's book "Dr. Pookie and the Case of his Missing Thought", which are available at all major book sellers. Her artwork has been displayed in several galleries including NYU Kimmel Gallery, Tattinger Gallery, Howl Happening Gallery and the World Trade Center. She is dedicated to creating entertaining and educational content for a wide audience. Show less «


An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted)

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Izzy Church'S roles
