Isabella Gloetzner

Isabella Gloetzner

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142 cm
Isabella Faith Gloetzner or Ash as some my know him, is an American actor who was born in Albuquerque, NM on January 10,2001 and he still lives in the area. He was born premature and weighed less than a pound. Even though he was born small and is 4'8" he has a big heart for acting. He has always loved putting on performances for his paren... Show more »
Isabella Faith Gloetzner or Ash as some my know him, is an American actor who was born in Albuquerque, NM on January 10,2001 and he still lives in the area. He was born premature and weighed less than a pound. Even though he was born small and is 4'8" he has a big heart for acting. He has always loved putting on performances for his parents and family. He has experience with being background, photo double, and stand-in and being on the sets. He loves spending his time reading, playing with his kitten, and training his dog Titus do do cool tricks, while also spending time with his family and friends. He also loves to spend his time singing and dancing to music or musicals from plays or movies. He is a funny, kind hearted person, who loves helping everyone around him and hopes to help encourage everyone to chase there dreams no matter what it is because if you work hard enough you can do anything just never give up hope! Show less «

Isabella Gloetzner's FILMOGRAPHY

JANE (2022)


Interrogation - Season 1


The Surrogate


Roswell, New Mexico - Season 2




Chambers - Season 1


Roswell, New Mexico - Season 1

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