Ines Pellegrini

Ines Pellegrini

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1954 in Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Ines Pellegrini is born in Massaua, Eritrea from Italian father and Eritrean mother. At the age of eight, she moved from Massaua to Asmara where she lived for ten years before moving to Rome, Italy. Then she began to work in minor movie roles until she met the Italian writer and director Pier Paolo Pasolini who, deeply moved by her uncommon beauty ... Show more »
Ines Pellegrini is born in Massaua, Eritrea from Italian father and Eritrean mother. At the age of eight, she moved from Massaua to Asmara where she lived for ten years before moving to Rome, Italy. Then she began to work in minor movie roles until she met the Italian writer and director Pier Paolo Pasolini who, deeply moved by her uncommon beauty and attitude, offered her the major role of the slave Zumurrud in his movie "Il Fiore delle Mille e una notte" ("Arabian Nights"), 1974. She worked with Pasolini again in 1975, playing the role of the maid in "Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma" ("Salò Or The 120 Days Of Sodom"). Ines Pellegrini career went on between acting and modeling until 1985, when she left the movie industry. Show less «

Ines Pellegrini's FILMOGRAPHY

Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom [Sub: Eng]


Gatti rossi in un labirinto di vetro


Arabian Nights (Il fiore delle mille e una notte)

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