Holly Williamson

Holly Williamson

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Birth Name: 
Holly Williamson
171 cm
Holly Williamson was born in Cornwall in 1989 and spent most of her childhood and young adult life in Surrey and Hampshire before moving to Manchester. Holly now resides in Manchester as a tattoo'd burlesque dancer, pole dancer and actor. Throughout her teenage years, Holly attended ACM vocal coaching in Guildford part-time and jazz, tap, ball... Show more »
Holly Williamson was born in Cornwall in 1989 and spent most of her childhood and young adult life in Surrey and Hampshire before moving to Manchester. Holly now resides in Manchester as a tattoo'd burlesque dancer, pole dancer and actor. Throughout her teenage years, Holly attended ACM vocal coaching in Guildford part-time and jazz, tap, ballet, acting, singing and musical theatre at Guildford School of Acting. Show less «

Holly Williamson's FILMOGRAPHY

In the Cloud

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