Henry Mollison

Henry Mollison

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February 21, 1905 in Dundee, Tayside, Scotland, UK
Birth Name: 
Evelyn Henry Jackson Mollison
He was on his way back to Britain from America in 1939 with the intention of joining the armed forces when the ship on which he was traveling was captured by Nazis and he spent five years in a German P.O.W. camp. During this period he organized camp entertainment and produced 56 shows for the other prisoners. On his release he returned to Britain w... Show more »
He was on his way back to Britain from America in 1939 with the intention of joining the armed forces when the ship on which he was traveling was captured by Nazis and he spent five years in a German P.O.W. camp. During this period he organized camp entertainment and produced 56 shows for the other prisoners. On his release he returned to Britain where he resumed his acting career. He never fully recovered from his wartime experiences and only made a limited number of post war appearances. He eventually died a broken man in a home for forgotten actors in Greenwich, London, England. Show less «

Henry Mollison's FILMOGRAPHY

The Man in the White Suit

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