Heather Young

Heather Young

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April 1, 1945 in Bremerton, Washington, USA
Birth Name: 
Patricia Kay Paterson
Heather Young is best known for her regular role as "Betty Hamilton" in the sci-fi two-season cult series, Land of the Giants (1968), produced by Irwin Allen.She also appeared in one episode, Au coeur du temps: Town of Terror (1967), of another Irwin Allen sci-fi cult series, Au coeur du temps (1966).With this sort of history, you would e... Show more »
Heather Young is best known for her regular role as "Betty Hamilton" in the sci-fi two-season cult series, Land of the Giants (1968), produced by Irwin Allen.She also appeared in one episode, Au coeur du temps: Town of Terror (1967), of another Irwin Allen sci-fi cult series, Au coeur du temps (1966).With this sort of history, you would expect Young to have a love of sci-fi, but this is not the case at all, she got these roles because she was one of the last 20th Century Fox contract players and Irwin Allen selected her for this reason.As well as not being not totally comfortable with Land of the Giants (1968), she never really got a lot to do in the series, however this problem was addressed by series co-star Don Matheson (as explained in the "Land of the Giants" DVD set). Matheson would simply hand some of his lines to Young to give her more to do.Perhaps she looked most at home in the second season episode, titled Land of the Giants: The Marionettes (1970). In this episode, Betty helped out a kind giant circus guy, by acting as a singing dancing marionette, to replace a real marionette.In 1995, the entire living Land of the Giants (1968) cast was interviewed on The Fantasy Worlds of Irwin Allen (1995) TV show, but Young was oddly missing. Show less «

Heather Young's FILMOGRAPHY

Galactica 1980 - Season 1


Land of the Giants - Season 2


Land of the Giants - Season 1


Batman - Season 3


Batman - Season 2


Batman - Season 1


The Time Tunnel - Season 1


The Felony Squad - Season 1

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