Hanna Longo

Hanna Longo

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Birth Name: 
Hanna Eshel
164 cm
Hanna Eshel is a compassionate young actress actress, known for her work on City Life (2015) and The March of Freedom '1963' (2015).Hanna has also worked on a commercial for GitHub and has starred in two Public Service Announcements, one for Teen Pregnancy and one for Anti-bullying.Born on January 2001 in the small town of Dipolog City, P... Show more »
Hanna Eshel is a compassionate young actress actress, known for her work on City Life (2015) and The March of Freedom '1963' (2015).Hanna has also worked on a commercial for GitHub and has starred in two Public Service Announcements, one for Teen Pregnancy and one for Anti-bullying.Born on January 2001 in the small town of Dipolog City, Philippines. Hanna started out as baby Bagarinao in the Philippines. When she was just one-month-old, her parents brought her to the US, where she officially took on the name of Hanna Thresa Galleposo Bagarinao Longo.Hanna took on her first modeling job at the tender age of six-months-old. Her first gig was as a Fisher Price model in Buffalo, New York. She gave up her early modeling career when her family moved to Colorado.Hanna and her family enjoy spending their time volunteering feeding the homeless, collecting used books and clothes. Her parents are proud of all of her accomplishments. Show less «



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