Gur Bentwich

Gur Bentwich

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Birth Name: 
Gur Bentwich
Gur Bentwich Studied film in the Tel Aviv University. He directed 4 feature films: "Planet Blue" (a legendary cult film), "Total Love", "Up the Wrong Tree" and "Peaches & Cream". He also directed 2 documentaries: "Etgar Keret what animal R U?" and "The Bentwich Syndrome" and quite a fe... Show more »
Gur Bentwich Studied film in the Tel Aviv University. He directed 4 feature films: "Planet Blue" (a legendary cult film), "Total Love", "Up the Wrong Tree" and "Peaches & Cream". He also directed 2 documentaries: "Etgar Keret what animal R U?" and "The Bentwich Syndrome" and quite a few shorts, music videos, TV series and other stuff. He sometimes acts in other directors' films including the main part in "Off White Lies" for which he won the Wollgin award. Lives in Tel Aviv with his lady partner, editor and muse Maya Kenig. Together they make films, kids and lots of fun. Show less «

Gur Bentwich's FILMOGRAPHY

Big Bad Wolves [Audio: Hebrew]

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