Granville Bates

Granville Bates

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January 7, 1882 in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Balding, worried-looking character actor of the 1930's who had a strong line in lawyers, judges, sheriffs, mayors and storekeepers. He was especially effective at playing choleric or obtuse. Bates had a career in dramatic plays on Broadway spanning the years from 1925 to 1935. He began in films with Essanay in 1917. His performance in The Grea... Show more »
Balding, worried-looking character actor of the 1930's who had a strong line in lawyers, judges, sheriffs, mayors and storekeepers. He was especially effective at playing choleric or obtuse. Bates had a career in dramatic plays on Broadway spanning the years from 1925 to 1935. He began in films with Essanay in 1917. His performance in The Great Man Votes (1939), as a corrupt, incompetent mayor, was particularly noteworthy. His best role, however -- occurring well towards the end of his life -- was as the bewildered judge in Mon épouse favorite (1940). Bosley Crowther (May 31) considered this a 'masterpiece of comic creation'. That same year, Bates stood out in the otherwise forgettable A l'assaut des cieux (1940). He died soon afterward of a heart attack.Bates was a member of the Lambs Club in New York, America's most venerable theatrical organisation. Show less «

Granville Bates's FILMOGRAPHY

Brother Orchid


The Mortal Storm


My Favorite Wife


Of Mice and Men


Make Way for Tomorrow


The Plainsman


Honor Among Lovers

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