Giovanni Dominoni

Giovanni Dominoni

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Giovanni Dominoni is an Italian Actor and writer.English and Italian bilingual, he has been acting, writing poems, essays on contemporary art, cinema, theatre, and a novel, using fluently both languages.He worked in the international production "Heirs of the Night" appearing in 4 episodes, and in several independent theatre projects like ... Show more »
Giovanni Dominoni is an Italian Actor and writer.English and Italian bilingual, he has been acting, writing poems, essays on contemporary art, cinema, theatre, and a novel, using fluently both languages.He worked in the international production "Heirs of the Night" appearing in 4 episodes, and in several independent theatre projects like "Waiting for Robert" by Luke Welch.He attended the Art Expansion acting school in Riga and seminars and lessons focused on the acting method. Show less «

Giovanni Dominoni's FILMOGRAPHY

Heirs of the Night - Season 2


Heirs of the Night - Season 1

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