Georgina Borbolla

Georgina Borbolla

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Georgina Borbolla is a CFO and financier with solid expertise throughout the Finance value chain of the Film and TV business. From structuring financing deals for projects and industry players, all the way to consulting, tax planning and production accounting. Founder of BOLD Finance, a one-stop shop for all film and TV industry financing and accou... Show more »
Georgina Borbolla is a CFO and financier with solid expertise throughout the Finance value chain of the Film and TV business. From structuring financing deals for projects and industry players, all the way to consulting, tax planning and production accounting. Founder of BOLD Finance, a one-stop shop for all film and TV industry financing and accounting. Show less «

Georgina Borbolla's FILMOGRAPHY

Club de Cuervos - Season 4


Club de Cuervos - Season 3


Club de Cuervos - Season 2


Club de Cuervos - Season 1

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