George Capacete

George Capacete

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175 cm
George is a native of Los Angeles. His passion for acting began on the stage at an early age. Some recent highlights include a film he co-starred in 'Lucia, Before and After' debuted at Sundance Film Festival and won Jury Prize for US Fiction for Shorts. It also was accepted to South by Southwest in the Texas Shorts Block. He also co-star... Show more »
George is a native of Los Angeles. His passion for acting began on the stage at an early age. Some recent highlights include a film he co-starred in 'Lucia, Before and After' debuted at Sundance Film Festival and won Jury Prize for US Fiction for Shorts. It also was accepted to South by Southwest in the Texas Shorts Block. He also co-starred in 'Sabre Dance' which debuted at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. He has trained with the late Charlie Laughton who also coached such actors as AL Pacino, Martin Sheen and other established actors. He is currently a company member of The New American Theatre. He is also a member and supporter of Film Independent. His future plans include writing and directing his own features. Show less «

George Capacete's FILMOGRAPHY

Girl Lost


60 Seconds to Die


Private Sales - Season 1

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