Gary Hartley

Gary Hartley

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182 cm
Began career in music in the late 1980's and throughout the next 25years became a popular entertainer and has played in several countries enjoying a fruitful music career. Began acting and providing voice overs in advertisement in the early 2000's and has performed in fringe festivals and short plays. Continues to perform in various capac... Show more »
Began career in music in the late 1980's and throughout the next 25years became a popular entertainer and has played in several countries enjoying a fruitful music career. Began acting and providing voice overs in advertisement in the early 2000's and has performed in fringe festivals and short plays. Continues to perform in various capacities, as and entertainer / musician and continues to support several charities and causes and as an actor is enjoying various roles in film productions due for release in 2012. Show less «

Gary Hartley's FILMOGRAPHY


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