Gary DeShaun House

Gary DeShaun House

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Gary DeShaun House is a graduate of the University of Nevada class of 2015 with a BSc in Community Health Sciences. Graduate of the University of Essex with a MSc in Organized Crime, Terrorism and Security. Upon finishing his undergraduate degree Gary went on to pursue his passion of playing Volleyball. He has played professionally for countries su... Show more »
Gary DeShaun House is a graduate of the University of Nevada class of 2015 with a BSc in Community Health Sciences. Graduate of the University of Essex with a MSc in Organized Crime, Terrorism and Security. Upon finishing his undergraduate degree Gary went on to pursue his passion of playing Volleyball. He has played professionally for countries such as: Slovenia, The United Kingdom, Iceland and Germany. As well as international tournaments in Japan, Italy, Croatia and Austria. After a global pandemic and a shoulder injury Gary is now transitioning from the realm of being a professional athlete to the life of acting and modeling. He is highly educated and motivated to succeed in all endeavors. Show less «

Gary DeShaun House's FILMOGRAPHY

Bridge of the Doomed


Liger (2022) [Sub: Eng]

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