Gabrielle Gulledge

Gabrielle Gulledge

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Gabrielle Gulledge is an LA based actress and auditor from the food capital that is Chicago, Illinois. Though she's wanted to be an actress since she was 9, she opted to pursue a career as an auditor post graduation. After a longer-than-necessary stint in that career field, she opted to pursue her passions of acting and screenwriting, studying... Show more »
Gabrielle Gulledge is an LA based actress and auditor from the food capital that is Chicago, Illinois. Though she's wanted to be an actress since she was 9, she opted to pursue a career as an auditor post graduation. After a longer-than-necessary stint in that career field, she opted to pursue her passions of acting and screenwriting, studying both while building a resume in Chicago's theater scene. That passion has since led her from Chicago to Los Angeles, where she continues her studies and plans to build a long lived career. Show less «

Gabrielle Gulledge's FILMOGRAPHY

Boo, Bitch - Season 1

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