Fletcher Hammond

Fletcher Hammond

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Fletcher Hammond is an actor named after Chevy Chase's character in the movie Fletch. He has been acting and modeling since age 4. He enjoys stories and how his character makes them come alive. When he's not learning or writing scripts, you'll find him curled up with a book or his favorite dog. He is related to actress Lucy Hammond, ... Show more »
Fletcher Hammond is an actor named after Chevy Chase's character in the movie Fletch. He has been acting and modeling since age 4. He enjoys stories and how his character makes them come alive. When he's not learning or writing scripts, you'll find him curled up with a book or his favorite dog. He is related to actress Lucy Hammond, who (along with being his sister), serves as his number one scene partner and line-reader. Show less «

Fletcher Hammond's FILMOGRAPHY

Doom Patrol - Season 4


Doom Patrol - Season 3


Lifes Rewards - Season 1


Doom Patrol - Season 2


Doom Patrol - Season 1

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