Ferenc Lavro

Ferenc Lavro

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Lavro Ferenc was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, on the 10th of August, 1974. He graduated from Novi Sad Academy of Arts as a director. Hungarian by heritage, he currently lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. Known for : The Brigade - the story of the Voivodinian Petofi-brigade; '56 in Vojvodina; Portrait of Jeno Utasi; The Bosian Pyramids and ... Show more »
Lavro Ferenc was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, on the 10th of August, 1974. He graduated from Novi Sad Academy of Arts as a director. Hungarian by heritage, he currently lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. Known for : The Brigade - the story of the Voivodinian Petofi-brigade; '56 in Vojvodina; Portrait of Jeno Utasi; The Bosian Pyramids and the experimental film the Documentarist. Show less «

Ferenc Lavro's FILMOGRAPHY

Drága Elza!

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