Ethan Hernandez

Ethan Hernandez

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"Ethan Hernández is a Mexican American actor who was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas. He started his journey by moving to New York City to attend The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts on scholarship where he earned his Associate of Fine Arts. In pursuit of a career in the industry he continued building his resume by working on studen... Show more »
"Ethan Hernández is a Mexican American actor who was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas. He started his journey by moving to New York City to attend The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts on scholarship where he earned his Associate of Fine Arts. In pursuit of a career in the industry he continued building his resume by working on student and short films. He furthered his craft by attending The William Esper Studio. Upon completion of the program he moved to Los Angeles and started auditioning as a professional actor. Ethan is proud of his Native American and Mexican heritage which drives his strong ambition to build a loud platform for the Latiné community as well as the LGBT community and one day dreams to own his own Chihuahua sanctuary. Ethan is a volunteer at Nosotros which is a non-profit organization supporting Latiné voices in the entertainment industry and he is a strong supporter of the work being done at The Trevor Project and ASPCA." Show less «

Ethan Hernandez's FILMOGRAPHY

Class of 09 - Season 1


Kindred - Season 1

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