Eric Temple Patton

Eric Temple Patton

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Birth Name: 
Eric Temple Patton
183 cm
Eric Temple Patton was born in Panorama City, California and grew up in the high desert city of Lancaster, in the Antelope Valley, about 50 miles north of Los Angeles. His first and middle name are the result of a creative spur of the moment decision courtesy of his father at the hospital; His father decided to combine his mothers maiden name (Eric... Show more »
Eric Temple Patton was born in Panorama City, California and grew up in the high desert city of Lancaster, in the Antelope Valley, about 50 miles north of Los Angeles. His first and middle name are the result of a creative spur of the moment decision courtesy of his father at the hospital; His father decided to combine his mothers maiden name (Erickson) along with Eric's mother's maiden name (Temple) thus resulting in "Eric Temple Patton" going down in official history on the birth certificate.Growing up, Eric soon discovered that he had a natural knack and ability to make people laugh, usually had his own expense. Intrigued by a few of his classmates who were busily working in the movie industry, Eric decided he wanted to get into the business too, if only to get out of school for a day or two. In junior high Eric was bitten by the acting bug after landing a bit part in the Walt Disney musical "Newsies" where he was afforded the privilege of working with a young Christian Bale and legendary screen actor Robert Duvall along with Ann-Margret. Eric recalled being embarrassed on set because he really had no idea who they were at the time, yet his father was so impressed that he volunteered to fill in as the parental authority whenever Eric landed work.After a few commercials Eric returned to film, landing parts in small independent shorts and AFI projects such as "Ugly Naked People", "Shadows" and "Zoe" and later back to the big screen in "Happy Texas" and "Rat Race" usually playing the part of the slacker or harmless trashy boyfriend - These were comical and came natural to him as he had now moved out on his own with two roommates who were all perpetual slackers with a shared devotion for work and harmless debauchery.Eric is most proud of his work on the critically acclaimed AFI short film "Shadows" where he was cast as a Jewish prisoner facing the "selection process" in a Nazi Concentration Camp. For this part Eric was afforded the opportunity to work closely with the screenwriter and director after he was selected to play a prisoner who encourages the group to break their silence and recite The Mourner's Kaddish after a young prisoner and fellow friend is brutally executed by a prison guard. Eric recalls that working on Shadows was without a doubt one of the most eye opening and emotional experiences he has ever had on a project. Older, grayer and now somewhat less of a slacker, Eric is happily married with an 11 year old daughter and has worked as a dispatcher for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department since 2005. A self described 'eternal teenager' Eric enjoys screen writing and photography in his free time and still jumps at the occasional part in film when offered. Show less «

Eric Temple Patton's FILMOGRAPHY

Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie

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Eric Temple Patton'S roles

Nerd Protestor
Nerd Protestor