Elizabeth Densmore

Elizabeth Densmore

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10 March 1988, Miami, Florida, USA
Birth Name: 
Elizabeth Patrica Densmore
157 cm
Elizabeth Densmore was born in Hollywood, Florida and ended up in Hollywood, California. A singer, fire-cracker, and drama-queen since the day she was born, she has always been entertaining those around her. At 13, Elizabeth had appeared on national television in commercials and hosted a series "Behind The Ears" for the Disney Channel. So... Show more »
Elizabeth Densmore was born in Hollywood, Florida and ended up in Hollywood, California. A singer, fire-cracker, and drama-queen since the day she was born, she has always been entertaining those around her. At 13, Elizabeth had appeared on national television in commercials and hosted a series "Behind The Ears" for the Disney Channel. Soon Later, she traveled to Los Angles where she landed guest appearences and pilots like "Lizzie Mcguire" "State of Grace" and "CSI Miami". "Follow The Leeds" was a one-hour drama pilot where Elizabeth played "Anna", Sharon Lawrence's angst-ridden daughter. At 16, Elizabeth signed her first record deal with Massive Attack's "Tricky" of Brown Punk Records. After signing with Tricky, he brought her on to the film "Clean" directed by Olivia Assayas starring Maggie Chung. Her song "Breakaway" was a title sound on the film's soundtrack. Soon later, Elizabeth left Los Angeles, to be with her family in difficult times. She studied at Temple University for 37 days and left. Elizabeth is now back in Los Angeles, pursuing her music and acting career, writing songs for herself and other artists, studying at Margie Haber's School for Acting, and has just completed her role as "Alice" in "Echo Park Love Story" directed by her ex-boyfriend and good friend Christian Williams. Elizabeth's goal is to continue to grow as an artist, song-writer, actress, and singer in the future projects to come. Show less «

Elizabeth Densmore's FILMOGRAPHY

CSI: Miami - Season 10


CSI: Miami - Season 9


CSI: Miami - Season 8


CSI: Miami - Season 7


CSI: Miami - Season 6


CSI: Miami - Season 5


CSI: Miami - Season 4


CSI: Miami - Season 3


CSI: Miami - Season 2


Lizzie McGuire - Season 2


CSI: Miami - Season 1


Lizzie McGuire - Season 1

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