Elijah Stavena

Elijah Stavena

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Birth Name: 
Elijah Kahleo O'Kalani Stavena
Elijah Kahleo Stavena can be seen in feature films and is best known for his leading role in Too Perfect and his supporting role in Del Cielo (of Heaven). Known by his stage name, Kahleo, Elijah Stavena is the third rapper to be accepted to Berklee College of Music. He has performed for crowds of hundreds at concerts, college showcases, and open mi... Show more »
Elijah Kahleo Stavena can be seen in feature films and is best known for his leading role in Too Perfect and his supporting role in Del Cielo (of Heaven). Known by his stage name, Kahleo, Elijah Stavena is the third rapper to be accepted to Berklee College of Music. He has performed for crowds of hundreds at concerts, college showcases, and open mic nights across the Bay Area and Europe. His new album Stranded was release in early May, 2016. His next feature film project, One is in pre-production. Show less «

Elijah Stavena's FILMOGRAPHY

East Side Sushi

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