Don Enright

Don Enright

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An Emmy-winning producer and a member of the motion picture Academy, Don Enright brings 35 years of creative, managerial, marketing and physical production experience to the creation of entertainment.As a principal at Barry & Enright Productions and later at Alexander/Enright and Associates in Los Angeles, Mr. Enright directed his company'... Show more »
An Emmy-winning producer and a member of the motion picture Academy, Don Enright brings 35 years of creative, managerial, marketing and physical production experience to the creation of entertainment.As a principal at Barry & Enright Productions and later at Alexander/Enright and Associates in Los Angeles, Mr. Enright directed his company's prolific operations and ran its development team; as a filmmaker, he's written and/or produced more than fifty feature films, television films and documentaries, working with Sony, Warner Bros., Universal, NBC, CBS, ABC, Lifetime and Discovery. Enright's productions have been nominated for eight - and have won three - Emmy Awards, including Best Picture of the year.Born and raised in New York, a graduate of UCLA, he now lives - as a dual Canadian-US citizen - with his family in Victoria, B.C. Show less «


Dear Mr. Brody

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