Diamanda Galás

Diamanda Galás

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29 August 1955, San Diego, California, USA
Birth Name: 
Diamanda Galás
175 cm
Raised in San Diego, California, Galás was born to Greek Orthodox parents, who always encouraged her gift for piano. Galás studied a wide range of musical forms, as well as visual-art performance, and then moved to to Europe where she made her performance debut at the Festival d'Avignon in France in 1979, performing the lead in the opera, &q... Show more »
Raised in San Diego, California, Galás was born to Greek Orthodox parents, who always encouraged her gift for piano. Galás studied a wide range of musical forms, as well as visual-art performance, and then moved to to Europe where she made her performance debut at the Festival d'Avignon in France in 1979, performing the lead in the opera, "Un Jour Comme Un Autre," by composer Vinko Globokar, based upon the Amnesty International documentation of the arrest and torture of a Turkish woman for alleged treason.Releasing her first recorded work in 1982, Galás' numerous musical and theatrical works include the pivotal "Plague Mass" (1990), the haunting mass for People with Aids, "Vena Cava"(1992), the solo voice and electronic work concerning AIDS dementia and clinical depression, "Schrei 27" (1996), which deals with torture in isolation, and the concerts/recordings of "Malediction and Prayer," (1998), "Judgement Day," "Concert for the Damned," and "The Masque of the Red Death" (1984 1988). Galás is currently working (as of 2005) on the composition andcommissioning of the opera "Nekropolis." Show less «

Diamanda Galás's FILMOGRAPHY

Screamin Jay Hawkins: I Put a Spell on Me


The Serpent and the Rainbow

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