Devorah Lynne Dishington

Devorah Lynne Dishington

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October 14, 1976 in California, USA
170 cm
Devorah Lynne Dishington has pretty much been on the road ever since her meager beginnings. Raised mostly in the O. C. ( Orange County, California ), she grew up spending time along the West Coast and Mid - Western parts of the United States of America. Her golden brown eyes and auburn hair belie the truth of her origins, and she calls herself ... Show more »
Devorah Lynne Dishington has pretty much been on the road ever since her meager beginnings. Raised mostly in the O. C. ( Orange County, California ), she grew up spending time along the West Coast and Mid - Western parts of the United States of America. Her golden brown eyes and auburn hair belie the truth of her origins, and she calls herself ' An American Mutt ' in the true sense of the words, for her highest percentage is over 1/4 Chickasaw ( her Father was born upon an Oklahoma Chickasaw Reservation ) and more than 3/8 Cherokee ( accumulated from both sides: her Mother's relative is Chief Sequoia, born: George Gist ) with the rest being a wild, incalculable mix of Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, and Scottish bloodlines, as well as other possible untraceable origins ( which may include the Middle East ). A melting - pot genetic background makes her appearance not wholly distinguishable ( with darker hair, no one knew what language to speak to her when she traveled to Istanbul, Türkiye ) and when coupled with her keen ear and true love of languages, allotting her ease to absorb accents and learn patois, allows her to play the widest spectrum of characters from vastly diverse backgrounds, countries, and ethnicities ( Amazon, English Isle Natives, German, Gypsy, French, Irish, Italian, Native American, Middle Eastern [ Northern Coastal Africa throughout the Arabian Peninsula to the Persian Gulf up to Afghanistan ], Scottish, Spanish, and Russian, as well as fantastical: Fairy, Vampire, and Zombie, to mention a few ).After numerous years, she possesses ample experience working with various Casts; Crews; Directors; Instructors; Film, Music, and Stage Producers; and other professionals throughout the infinite spheres of the Entertainment Industry. Creativity, Movies, Music, and Writing have always been of monumental importance through every portion of her life, and she has spent her entire existence creating and learning acting, language, literature, music, and theatre, intensively studying: Character, Comedy, Directing, Drama, Film, Improv, On - Camera, Master Classes, Scenes, Stage, and Writing; Music Composing, Performing, Recording, and Theory: Blues, Classical, Funk, Jazz, Pop, Rock, and Soul. Before she could talk or walk, she frightened her family by singing with a scream right before the solo on the Castaways' " Liar, Liar " and, once walking, always stopped mid - step to bounce in time with Credence Clearwater Revival's " Down on the Corner ". No wonder, she ultimately became an AFM Union Bassist, Keyboardist, and Vocalist; turned Professional at the age of thirteen; dabbles some on Drums and Guitars, and loves listening to and performing: 40 - 90s; Blues; Classical and Opera; Folk; Funky Funk; Jazz; Metal; Musical Theatre; New Wave; Pop; Punk; Reggae; Rhythm and Blues; Rock 'n Roll; Show and Disney Tunes; some Country and Hip Hop; and 'Soul' with a Capital 'S'! She is a proud Electric Bassist with a String Endorsement Contract, Extensive Live & Studio Expertise, & Union Membership, who is also a professional Keyboardist and Pianist with Equipment and Stage and Studio Skills. While at junior college, she took extensive Sound Reinforcement classes and was a few classes away from an Engineer certificate, gaining experience Live and in the Studio running sound for Commencement Services, Classical and Jazz Performances, and Blues, Pop, R&B, and Rock Bands. Previous Band, Room 105, was nominated at the 2003 Orange County Music Awards for Best Blues Band; named one of the Best Fall 2003 Releases by the Orange County Register; worked for over 7 years with the Susan G. Komen Foundation ( Race for the Cure ); and played at various events hosted by the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, San Juan Capistrano Swallows' Festival, and South Fork Blues Festivals. Current, she performs as a Vocalist and Bassist in varying styles - live & in the studio: throughout California, Nevada, and ( 1998 & 2000 ) Istanbul, Türkiye.However, out of all influences that affected her being, just two words: Star Wars, have had the MOST significant impact of them all! Yes, Star Wars, the very first movie that, at around a year and half, she " still recollects " seeing, for the experience of the massive Star Destroyer creeping slowly on screen as it chased the once thought large ship, firing weapons, and causing the rumbling of the whole theatre SO forever changed her core!! She knew at that exact moment that she wanted to be an Actress!! Ultimately, movies like Star Wars ( Lightsabres ) and The Princess Bride ( awesome Choreographed Fights ) led to the discovery of other loves: Swords, Fencing, and Stage Combat, all which she enjoys immensely at the Orange Coast Fencing Academy, where she learned in 2003 that she is both Left AND Right - Handed ( Ambidextrous ), was named " Best Class Volunteer 2004 - 2005 " and " Teacher of the Year 2007 & 2008, " a repeat performance, and has been proudly teaching Foil Fencing to Levels 1 - 3 ever since! To boot, she has a deep love for and extensive involvement handling and working with all types of animals, aviation and flying, and, due to owning a 20 - foot sailboat, has several years of ocean sailing experience.For her, Dyslexia takes all joy from reading, so Cold Reading Classes assist in better script reading and, thus, auditioning far more effectively, but she points to her Coaches, Cindy Hogan at The A. C. T. I. N. G. Coach and, the now sadly deceased, Ken Garcia, as the catalysts in her growth and refinement as an Actor! Because of her Dyslexia, most people are surprised by the fact that Devorah actually writes all the time, never ceasing, with countless ideas surfacing - Back Stories, Lyrics and / or Music, Musicals, Novels, One and Two Act Plays, Poems, Scripts, Short Long Stories, Songs, and other uncountable ideas at various levels of thought and vision. Ever a self - motivated, self - starter, she looks to fully utilize a wide array of diverse sounds and voices she always creates by exploiting her huge vocal range and varying tonal qualities to add Voiceover Talent to her current list of creative accomplishments, as yet another avenue of creative expression. Show less «

Devorah Lynne Dishington's FILMOGRAPHY



Deadly Delusion

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