DéRome A. Chrétien

DéRome A. Chrétien

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DéRome A. Chrétien is from Massachusetts but currently living in Virginia. DéRome A. Chrétien is known for a lot of Horror Cosplays, and films like The Lincoln by Stephen Spielberg, The Gateway starring Olivia Munn, and a film with Fuzzy Monkey Productions called Shriekshow. He has done some Tv for the upcoming season of The Walking Dead Spinof... Show more »
DéRome A. Chrétien is from Massachusetts but currently living in Virginia. DéRome A. Chrétien is known for a lot of Horror Cosplays, and films like The Lincoln by Stephen Spielberg, The Gateway starring Olivia Munn, and a film with Fuzzy Monkey Productions called Shriekshow. He has done some Tv for the upcoming season of The Walking Dead Spinoff as a zombie. Show less «

DéRome A. Chrétien's FILMOGRAPHY

10/31 Part 3




The Gateway


Lincoln (2012)

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