Dennis Nilsen

Dennis Nilsen

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November 23, 1945 in Fraserburgh, Scotland, UK
Birth Name: 
Dennis Andrew Nilsen
185 cm
Dennis Andrew Nilsen, 1945 in Strichen, Fraserburgh, Scotland, also known as the Muswell Hill Murderer is a British serial killer who lived and murdered in London. In 1983 he was convicted of six murders and two attempted murders and is believed to have killed at least 15 men and boys between 1978 and 1982. He abhorred cruelty to animals, yet murde... Show more »
Dennis Andrew Nilsen, 1945 in Strichen, Fraserburgh, Scotland, also known as the Muswell Hill Murderer is a British serial killer who lived and murdered in London. In 1983 he was convicted of six murders and two attempted murders and is believed to have killed at least 15 men and boys between 1978 and 1982. He abhorred cruelty to animals, yet murdered human beings. He was a loner, yet kept the corpses of his victims in his flat for company. He was eventually caught after his disposal of dismembered human entrails blocked his household drains: the drain cleaning company found that the drains were congested with human flesh and contacted the police. Nilsen was brought to trial at the Old Bailey on 24 October, 1983. He pleaded diminished responsibility as a defense, in order to seek a verdict of guilty to manslaughter, but was convicted of six murders and two attempted murders. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on 4 November 1983. In 1993, he was given permission to give a televised interview from prison. Show less «

Dennis Nilsen's FILMOGRAPHY

The Real Des


Voice of a Serial Killer - Season 2


Voice of a Serial Killer - Season 1


Martin Kemps Murder Files - Season 1


Great Crimes and Trials - Season 2


Great Crimes and Trials - Season 1

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