Dennis Curlett

Dennis Curlett

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Los Angeles based writer, director, comedian originally from the mean streets of Chichester, Pennsylvania. His experimental improv and sketch comedy team Funk Shuffle performed regularly at The UCB Theater. He grew up one of nine children and sold his spec romantic comedy Just. One. Kiss. to Netflix in 2019. He made his directorial debut with the f... Show more »
Los Angeles based writer, director, comedian originally from the mean streets of Chichester, Pennsylvania. His experimental improv and sketch comedy team Funk Shuffle performed regularly at The UCB Theater. He grew up one of nine children and sold his spec romantic comedy Just. One. Kiss. to Netflix in 2019. He made his directorial debut with the feature Paradox Lost, which he also wrote, and is being released through Gravitas Ventures on October 5th, 2021. Show less «

Dennis Curlett's FILMOGRAPHY

Paradox Lost


Hawthorne - Season 3


Hawthorne - Season 2


Hawthorne - Season 1

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