Deborah Lane Spencer

Deborah Lane Spencer

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Deborah Lane Spencer (Actress, Director, Musician, Recording Engineer and Writer) Deb is from Detroit , MI but moved to Chicago (2009-2013) Producing Music and Acting with several Major Theater Companies including the Black Ensemble theater owned by the legendary Jackie Taylor. In 2013 Deborah returned back to Detroit and made her first TV20 debut ... Show more »
Deborah Lane Spencer (Actress, Director, Musician, Recording Engineer and Writer) Deb is from Detroit , MI but moved to Chicago (2009-2013) Producing Music and Acting with several Major Theater Companies including the Black Ensemble theater owned by the legendary Jackie Taylor. In 2013 Deborah returned back to Detroit and made her first TV20 debut with a Cameo appearance on Because we're Men playing "Takisha" which you can watch now on YouTube (Episode Glitter Effect) and she worked at the Star Factory as a Recording Engineer. Deborah has acted in 27 Stage plays 8 National Stage plays in Chicago, Alabama, Texas, Atlanta just to name a few, 14 Films and Assistant Directed for 3 Films. Want to see Deb in Action? On Tubi there's ( In a Sentimental Mood, Dear Future Husband, Birthday Behavior and Meeting Boone) or watch her on Amazon Prime (McGraw Ave, Forbidden) Deborah Lane's Motto is "I live to give", be it my time, my God given gifts or a kind word. Deborah is also the proud owner of "I REELY ACT LLC" a theatre school focused on teaching and giving Actors the proper recourses to thrive. Show less «

Deborah Lane Spencer's FILMOGRAPHY

McGraw Ave - Season 2


McGraw Ave - Season 1

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