Debora Giannone

Debora Giannone

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Debora Giannone is an actress, writer, stand up comedian and photographer, known for Lost Angels (2014), Youth (2015), and Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult (2020).Fiery Italian parents raised her in a strict Swiss environment creating the perfect tension to influence a young artist. Debora speaks English, Italian, and German fluently, and is semi-flu... Show more »
Debora Giannone is an actress, writer, stand up comedian and photographer, known for Lost Angels (2014), Youth (2015), and Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult (2020).Fiery Italian parents raised her in a strict Swiss environment creating the perfect tension to influence a young artist. Debora speaks English, Italian, and German fluently, and is semi-fluent in French. Deb has worked in commercials, including the privilege of working with Tony Gardner (for NBC's Chiller TV.) Also, Converse Shoe Commercial: In Their Chucks 360° Experience (collaboration with Google).Debora Giannone was born in Basel, Switzerland of two Italian immigrants. Her mother hailing from Naples and her father from Sicily but being raised in a strict Swiss environment created the perfect tension to influence a young artist. Show less «

Debora Giannone's FILMOGRAPHY

Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult - Season 1

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