David Saenz

David Saenz

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David Saenz moved all over the country as a child. In order to fit in (and avoid getting beaten up) he learned that he could make people laugh. He got his first taste for showbiz when an elementary school teacher allowed him a few minutes at the end of class to perform his "set." He was hooked from then on! He went to college at the Unive... Show more »
David Saenz moved all over the country as a child. In order to fit in (and avoid getting beaten up) he learned that he could make people laugh. He got his first taste for showbiz when an elementary school teacher allowed him a few minutes at the end of class to perform his "set." He was hooked from then on! He went to college at the University of Texas at Austin, at first majoring in dentistry, then English. When he discovered teeth weren't his passion and he already spoke English, he settled into film and television. Upon graduation he worked in Austin's burgeoning film industry, met Richard Linklater, and was inspired to head west. In the small hamlet of Los Angeles, he fell in love with the improv scene, studying at Second City, IO West, Groundlings, and UCB. Some of the friends he met along the way could stand each other enough to start a group that would perform a weekly show that lasted over two years. He has landed roles in feature films, and was a lovable recurring presence on the G4 network. Show less «


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